Adria Innovation Day 2019

Wednesday, 23 Oct 2019
Hoteli Bernardin, Portorož-Portorose, Slovenia
What did we learn?


Adria Innovation Day 2019 - “Innovation on primary and secondary raw materials in the South-East Europe”, 23 October 2019, Hoteli Bernardin, resort and conference centre, Portorož-Portorose, Slovenia

ADRIA Innovation Day was a one-day event to present the opportunities for the business sector under the EIT Raw Materials and Regional Center ADRIA to improve the raw materials network in the South-East Europe. Invited speakers and participants of ADRIA Innovation Day were experts from business organizations in the primary and secondary raw materials sector - large companies, SMEs, start-ups or idea holders, decision makers and policy makers, research institutions, universities and business support organizations from Slovenia, Croatia and other countries from the EU and the ESEE region (Albania, Austria, Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Germany, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Serbia).

The main objective of the event was to present best practices and innovations in the raw materials sector in the EU and the ESEE region. The possibilities to participate in the active programs of EIT RawMaterials (EIT Jumpstarter, Start-up and SME Booster, RawMaterials Accelerator) were outlined together with the invitations to current open calls for proposals. By inviting important actors from industry, research institutions and universities, the knowledge triangle integration target was achieved.

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Moderator: Dr. Aleš Ugovšek, Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Slovenia

  • Mag. Bojan Kumer, State Secretary, Ministry of Infrastructure of the Rep. of Slovenia
  • Dr. Miloš Bavec, Director, GeoZS Assist.
  • Prof. Dr. Aleš Žnidarič, Director, ZAG


Policy orientations on low carbon industry, resource efficiency and circular economy for industrial representatives in ESEE, Eva Revilla, Policy expert, European Commission, DG for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs

EIT: To drive innovation by strengthening cooperation within the knowledge triangle, Dr. Romana Jordan, EIT Governing Board member

Helping to transform innovative ideas and projects into new business - business creation and support services provided by EIT RawMaterials, Dr. Markus Klein, Business Developer Co-Location Centre East, EIT RawMaterials

The state of innovation in Slovenia: Where are we and where are we headed?, Dr. Aleš Ugovšek, Head of technological development and innovation, Chamber of Commerceand Industryof Slovenia

Sustainable Discovery and Supply, Krzysztof Kubacki, General Manager Co-Location Centre East, EIT RawMaterials

West Balkans mineral potential as a business opportunity, Tina Benda, Senior Advisor, GeoZS

Development and implementation of geological exploration and exploitation of metal mineral resources in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Assist. Prof. Dr. Emir Sudžuka, Lawyer at Sudžuka & Co for Easter Mining C


Key challanges and needs in rare earth permanent magnet production, Dr. Milana Karajić, Head of Research and Development, Magneti Ljubljana, d.d.

Raw materials and their processing in the electrode production, Kirill Kuznetsov, Head of Development, SIJ Elektrode Jesenice d.o.o.

Sustainable exploration with innovative technology, Dr. Richard Gloaguen, Head of the division "Exploration Technology", Helmholtz-Institute Freiberg

Exploitation of secondary raw materials (SRM) in the South-East Europe, Assist. Prof. Dr. Uroš Herlec, Consultant, TH Mining

The zero waste approach and role of the construction sector in recycling of mining and industrial waste, Dr. Alenka Mauko Pranjić, Senior Professional Research Associate, ZAG

Secondary raw materials feeding into a circular economy in Belgium, Dr. Karl Vrancken, Research Manager Sustainable Materials, VITO

Innovative Bio-Treatment of raw materials - a project and its spin-off, Dr. Darina Štyriaková, BioLeach project coordinator, FBERG TUKE, CEO of spinoff ekolive




Introduction to entrepreneurship, Ljubljana University Incubator (LUI)

RIS-RECOVER, raising awareness event, ZAG


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